

Well here it is… my finished animation!
It has been a long project, it almost feels like Christmas (weirdly)…. Lesser the excitement of getting stuff… more, the build-up element.
I feel reasonably happy with it…. I spent a long time considering the look and (for me) it has paid off. However, I understand now that I should have spent abit more time perfecting the animation. I believe its the best animation Ive done so far, but its not the best at reflecting that I could have done.
Ive learnt lots though… and here's a tip.
“However long you think somethings going to take… times it by 4”

iDOG - Troy Browne 2009



I was searching for animation clips and found this animator on YouTube, amongst all the '2 second, blink and you miss it' stuff on there this guy (sex, undetermined) stood out to me as possessing a good eye for aesthetics AND motion resulting in some really thoughtful concept animations...

check out his(or her) YouTube channel below.... or this link